Make sure you are IELTS ready with IELTS Pre-Testing
See if you are IELTS ready with IELTS mock exam – simulation of real IELTS test
See if you are IELTS ready with IELTS mock exam – simulation of real IELTS test
On May 8th take IELTS Academic or General at Kozminski University in Warsaw. Registration is open!
The IELTS session at Poznan University of Technology is open to everyone interested. A certificate that opens the door to international education and professional mobility.
IELTS One Skill Retake allows you to reattempt one of the four section of the test and improve your result without retaking the full test.
The IELTS Academic and General Training test results are reported using the same nine-band scale.
Here are some quick tips for you to ensure that things will go smoothly for you on the test day.